I played a round of this and to be honest, as a zombie it was plain frustrating when two or three people managed to get into a spot that nobody...
Seriously, don't triple post. I can't really give much feedback because the picture honestly doesn't reveal too much about the map, perhaps you...
You posted the thread in forge maps instead of forge discussion, forge maps is exclusively for posting completed maps. Oh by the way I'm actually...
Those fires
St Ives, its pretty close to where all those fires were, y'know, the bad ones.
Which part are you from?
This was incredibly epic, I believe I'm in three of the pictures and I miiiiight be the invisible VIP. Good job on the awesome TGIF.
OMFG Sydney Hi-five!
If you wanted to make them spawn in waves you could give the zombies a synchronized spawn so they all spawn at once.
Circumflexion 1. The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form. 2. A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold. I don't really think...
Oh hi there
They're fine for me so I have no clue why you're seeing them. The map looks fairly good, the objects are all straight, and I can see you only...
Whatever suits you is fine, I'm sure nobody minds being killed or anything like that.
*Sobs* Oh wait, you've said that to everyone *Sobs harder*
I see you tried to embed your pictures but bungie support that for some reason, you need to upload them to photobucket/imageshack and copy the...
No xbox for 90 days, I think that may be a record
I've been wanting to do something similar for quite a while but my xbox is broken and still hasn't returned. Crazy Game type proposition [spoiler]
Machete, as well as all the other grind house trailers.
Why does your gamer card say you haven't played any games?
I got The first Rock Band (It's a hot new release over here) Six shirts, all from different people Two pairs of jeans And A rainbow belt