Hey man... um first impression:bad, unclear pics. The map itself looks really cool but its hard to tell much about it because of the way the pics...
Hey I'm the guy to harrass you about interlocking ^^. I think that your map looks really good, and I really have never had a problem with people...
Looks awesome! I love the astheics and it looks worth a download. 2 twumbs way up.
I really like the looks of this map and the fact that it's symmetrical. Definetly looks worth getting featured.
Didn't feel like like reading all of the little sections at the top so I just skimmed them... Trying to give constuctive feedback, and I read...
Okay first off, interlocking is basically merging objects that couldn't usually be merged. For Example... two double boxes. In the forging 101...
Looking good man, I especially like the circular room. 4/5 keep forging!
This map looks asthetically pleasing, though I have to say it looks like A LOT is going on, also, it appears that you may be able to escape the...
Im sorry but your post is not up to forgehub standards.
PLease stop, not only will this behaivior get you banned but you're not letting people see others' hard work on maps.
Oh I assumed the active camos were for lighting but I like the idea of giving the robbers extra benefits, as most cops and robbers variants are...
Honestly I have quite a few issues with this map. It seems to me, similar to somebody who has just tried the forge option out in halo 3, and...
Looks very well done for a first map! My only issue I noticed from the pics is the amount of active camos in one of the rooms, try placing them in...
Looks awesome, especially for one day!
Honestly this map doesnt look all that great. By the few pictures you have it looks like it din't take too long to make. Keep trying though...
Dude, I have to say this looks amazing and I will be surprised if I don't see this on the front page of forgehub in the near future 5/5
Looks awesome and worth a DL
Looks nicely interlocked and worth a download
Looks very nicely interlocked and definetely worth a download
Looks Interesting and I'll DL asap =)