I really like the fence wall floor/ceiling! Nice work
Looks prett good, nice interlocking and GM'ing
WOW is all can say!!! Great job and DL here
Looks pretty cool, I tell tell you spent some good time thinking about the layout. Good job, 3.45/5
Cool looks pretty big, wish there were more pics though.
Looks kinda cool from what I can see from the super small pics, if only they were bigger.....
Awesome GM'ing and interlocking, looks very cool.
Looks pretty cool, good idea but no DL here sorry.
Volcano looks cool but rest only looks mediocure. Nice work.
Wow nice interlocking and looks really fun to play on, I'll DL.
Hmm idk if this goes here, maybe it does. Cool pictures!
Sorry but this map really isn't doing much of anything for me... I don't like the general openness of the map, I don't know what that the sheild...
Cool, they all look pretty awesome to me, and I'll be doing some DLing in a sec.
I like the idea and stonehenge looks cool, maybe a little too open but nice interlocking and geomerging 4/5 here.
Yay another puzzle map ^.^ Ill give it a DL and try it out. Nice job
Hmm mediocure... no DL from me sorry, cool idea though.
I like the looks of this, looks original too good job 4/5
Really wish I could see the map cause it sounds cool...
LOL never seen naruto but this looks like a pretty cool map, I like it. Good job and btw the roofs look awesome!
I can tell it's one of your first maps and I think that it's very well done considering that fact. Well done for a first, keep forging. 3.35/5