WMG disabled audio on that one too so I put it on halotube.com then halotube shut down so it doesn't exist anymore.
lol wtf i just saw this 3 mins ago on random searches
I've been out of the country and btw I put up the ole youtube link :D
Okay so yes I'm still alive and yes I haven't forgot about you wonderful people ;p. Any who, I searched for days on this forum looking for maps...
I'll do it but you need to tell me which ones. My GT is Scopulus.
I know i wash they made girl spartans. It was a fun expereience lol.
YouTube - Super Smash Bros. Halo Enjoy. We had a lot of fun making this. It was for fun so no sooper srs people please lol.
Haha. All classics :)
YouTube - Ventrilo Harassment - Duke Nukem Style
Hey shockwave. Sorry I couldn't get to collaborating the clips from that game but seeing how Zachary got to it, there's no problem :). I was...
Haha guys this isn't a mod at all. I'll post a tutorial when I get off work.
A couldn't watch but 30 seconds of it. Sorry.
I've been here for a year. Shut up lol. I'm done posting now.
I made this for the contest. If I lose that's fine but I went hand in hand for each specific detail on this map. It may not play as well as the...
Real quick question- Did you all download this map and try it or are you basing your opinion on a few pictures? I'm going to take a wild guess...
Uhm I just wanted you to look at it and give me your thoughts if you don't mind?
Well. thank ya sir lol. First positive comment I've gotten on it.