Why dont you go into matchmaking on Halo 3 and see what the standard Valhalla has? Why dont you go into matchmaking on Reach and see what ruins...
No they were on heavy game types... Theres a reason why the current BTB playlist sux you know.. If you need people to test in the future, id love...
Sure i'll help, aslong as you have the other people. I dont really wanna spend an hour in the lobby first. GT: ODST Exile
Something really simple, a ladder.
Its hard to say, ive made 3 attempts myself so far to make a valhalla remake. Once with a hill in the middle, i decided it was not worthy and...
Mongooses are necessary for CTF rushes :) Each base needs 2 and a few extra on the map always make nice cover/explosion. My turn to review! The...
pretty sweet map, quite large too, could easily do 8 vs 8 on it or put some vehicles on it
You can see the player in forge mode in the clip at 01:33 when the clip fades out. And later on you can see the receiver node on the bottom of the...
This map looks awesome dude! Very original to remake the 343 lvl from Halo:CE Good job
sounds like you forgot to place initial spawn points or assign them to teams
I'll have to re add a download link cuz i had to make space for bungies forge contest. I'll add one again tomorrow so take a look then. And thanx...
If i may make a suggestion, you should use the colorblind and juicy effect filters instead of purple, this will make the map darker but not pitch...
Awesome that you remade this map, AvP has some great maps, to bad the support is so crappy on that :/ Hope to see more from you
Didnt work for me
Nice and proper remake, feels quite natural when walking around on it. Although if possible, i would work on the lobby part a bit as its kind of...
Mid to S3 at 01:47 YouTube - Inside Halo 3 - Killer N - 2v2 on Guardian The jump from gold to blue is perfect. The hall i mean is if you go from...
Decent remake, its not completely to scale but i think that this is best for Reach's physics. Just a few things i would like to point out. - the...
Its not possible to build a proper hill in the middle of the canyon with rocks alone, also the lag from interlocking all of it would most likely...
Bridges, building blocks, platforms, some ramps, the big support thing in the decoration menu