Just for the record, Far Cry is a console game.
This map is inspired by the Halo: CE level - The Silent Cartographer. It starts on the beach with a crashed pelican where the spartans must...
Dude, anyone thats an active camo user uses it for 1) sneaking in BTB games 2) radar jammer in 4v4/2v2 games Any skilled camo user will use the...
Looks great so far! just hope it doesn't turn out to "grey ish"
snipers on hemmorage
I hope they add guardian, the pit and construct to the classic playlist over time. I'm quite sure it will be one of the most popular playlist on...
Ah yes, towers at the bases, then no one has to walk across the map anymore to shoot eachother. Well done!
Cant make kill barriers spawn on a timer, they are there or they arn't. Also a power up would not protect him from a kill barrier, because thats...
No,..Valhalla! Anyway, its not possible to have a 100% accurate remake of it simply because the canyon doesn't offer the right terrain, besides...
Have you ever played a halo game in your life? Kat literally says that he was the pilot in the sabre project before he joined with noble team. And...
You have no imagination.
-.-" He wouldn't have tacpad for communications, I'd think. You said it yourself, he's a lone wolf. Why would he need to communicate? To...
did the weekly one alone already, i wasnt sure i could do it, but turned out ok. I like challenging challenges :D
I don't mean his/her face, i mean the armor. We all know the default armor is just default and that you're noble 6. But, what armor would he...
I was actually considering using that part of the campaign to make a MP map :p good job
I have an invasion map in my signature that has a military base + bridge and stuff.
You can always place a soft kill barrier to cover the whole banshee and a hard kill barrier where the driver gets in, that way they are warned and...
I did that when i did it on legendary, easiest way to get past the hunters. You can even user a concussion rifle and blow the warthog over the...
[IMG] Colors arn't right tho and i have the gold visor
I'd keep the trees, you need something where the banshees can lose the rockets on (i assume there is a rocket launcher on the map)