If teammates cant handle a 3 on 4 game, then its to bad for him, ive handled 1 on 2 plenty of times in team doubles and 2 vs 4 in team slayer with...
If you vote for 'slayer' over 'slayer DMRs' then i am allowed to quit out of your noob spraying fest. i don't care about getting the time out...
Bungie.net : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT Bungie's explanation on how invasion forge works.
Anyone feel like expanding that explanation on how it works and how to do it? Cuz im clueless.
Will there be warthogs on this maps? looks like a BTB map. Nice avatar picture ;p
Changing the red team's initial spawn would help alot, but then shotgun needs to be moved. It would be a fair fight then to gain control of the...
Upper bridge is the main path, if people cant cross it, it will just promote camping even more. Dead ends on maps are never good. And a sword can...
True, but thats due to the fact a dead team mate gives a bad influence on a spawn spot. So many people dying at the beach will indeed make people...
I'm belgian, but sure! same time zone (almost)
Dynamic always worked fine on High ground, if you could capture the base, then the other team was stuck on the Beach and had to move up. That...
The only thing that needs to change is that the red team should spawn on the bottom floor like the blue team and the sword and shotgun should not...
Thx, i'm actually working on the same map but on forge world, once i'm done, i will see how many comments i get on that ;) Its funny people keep...
I did the same with high lands, didn't get many good comments on it either. There are many maps that have good, smaller area's that would work as...
This place isnt exactly known for its loving community... Great map, very original aswell.
I think the distance between the 2 bases and the bridge is alot :s
That really is usefull info :O nice find
i'm pretty sure you can go up to 5 phases, you can set it in the game type editor, not the forge editor.
You've never played territories? Well its simple really. Either you have neutral territories which both teams can capture. Or you have a team...
Like territories?
great idea to use shield doors like that, great remake.