No XBL atm. Mom doesn't like the 50ft cord I have to run through the house for it. Also, Halo is boring as hell for me. ya, I'm looking for more...
I don't like eet. [IMG]
Meh, If i played wow I would want a normal server. All my friends at school who play are level 70 or 80 w/e the highest is.
WoW isn't free. I'll check out silk, not doing wow. Agree with RS/MS blowing. Isn't Gaia chatting?
Got all three, beaten all of them. I've played a lot of mainstream stuff w/o a subscription and even some with. Just looking for something new,...
Better? [IMG]
Level 100... First mmo I ever played.
Oh god don't bring that back. >.< How goes it anyway?
Be more specific?
Finish, opinions? [IMG]
Fo sho yo, but seriously I need help. Not a master of sprites.
I've started on this sprite sig but don't know what to add or do. I havn't done anything in quite a while so am quite rusty. Any help loved~ [IMG]
I have a lv 48 on maple, got bored of it. Graphics are horrible. Thanks though.
Hey, I just need a new game. I've been playing Mabinogi for awhile and perfect world and like the playing styles, but I really want to use a 2h...
When did I...? I like it, I need to get to work with my tablet... But I fails with it :D Only thing I don't like is the water on the dude itself...