Gears 2 vs Halo 3 vs Bioshock I picked Bioshock :P
I'm still confused though. Does the dad like leave her out in the hall to die? But he really threw her out the window? The reverse forward thing...
available in 720p HD uploaded by IGN couple days ago This game looks ****in brutal, been some buzz surrounding it on Youtube since this was...
Microsoft is smart by rehashing this game since they know a lot of people who have played Halo 3 and Reach havent played the original and some...
North Korea invading the U.S. ?? I might play for the lulz
its a race map. take it for what its worth
Grats on the feature. This map looks sexy as hell, ima DL
Yes I noticed that too I was about to post it til i scrolled up and saw this xD Yeah all the evergreens and hills instantly brought Timberland to mind
that game was awesome, good graphics for original xbox too
millions of forgers?
I say leave Forge and Theater out because they werent a part of what made Halo great, they are just extra features that bungie added in the later...
The covenant had their entire armada after him so I think its safe to say MC rapes
Definitely not underrated but Bioshock is underplayed I think. Same goes for Fire Emblem on the GBA. great games
I recall he was a major troll or something like that
I play the PC version online and the online multiplayer is actually pretty good. I dont say matchmaking because you just drop in/out servers. The...
lol you remember him?
oh the memories...
very nice contrast in the first picture