Hey I noticed you said you'd no longer have access to Xbox LIVE shortly after it releases.Why is that? If you need a one month or like a 3 month...
Yeah I honestly can't believe this question was even raised. It mainly arises out of people in the forge community who have mastered all the...
Did you block communications wit Base Sick (me) on xbox? We really should play together, I've played a few with you if you haven't noticed and...
Hey man are you feeling alright? You look a little purple... you might want to get that checked out. After all Loyals freaking upgrade to Premium,...
I've been gone a long time, but am curious to know, have you gotten a feature yet?
Yeah sure. This is the name I used a long time ago.
Not really.
Has anyone yet to mention your recent Bungie front page news feed feature of your machinima video? While it isn't my cup of tea, thats still neat.
Dude I was in forge the other day with rusty and he showed this map called Conduction. It was friggin sweet. I didn't know that anything could...
Okey day. Now that your shenanigans have brought me back to FH for however long, lets discuss bidness.
That is one of the most awesome signatures. Evar. Period. . .
Umm I have no idea what you are talking about. Do I know you?
No U. fillr
You are my new favorite secksy map maker. Mmmm gimme some of dat Avarice. Too bad your "too old" for me. Teh sad faice.
A lot of CoD 5. Just trying to get to tenth prestige. Thats it.
? filler
Why are you using Silence Broken's sig?
I was unhappy this map had the number of problems Squidhands laid out. As I told you before when we were talking on your visitor profile, I think...