I'm talking about some map you were making on Foundry, it was Asymetric, we decided to add those columns in the middle to break up the lines of...
I think I remember advising you on some map you were making...
This makes perfect sense considering that under Race there are already two subcategories, Race and Rally.
It's about time you decided to become Premium, took your sweet time.
You are a failure.
Yes. flr
EquaIs Three
LOL God can't Forge! Have you taken a look out your window or stared into space?
Hmm I was only joking at first but that is actually a stellar idea. I might actually go for it, who knows maybe it'll be a big hit.
Hmm which begs the question what type of environment would you all like for the next "Forge World" type map? I mean come on, Bungie will likely...
Just looking at the title has inspired me to recreate the BP Oil spill in forge, complete with faulty oil rig and I'll put a bunch of "oil"...
I'm happy for you that you have found God and feel the need to tell others, just not in that way. I mean saying that you don't need a Forge...
Ehh... its kinda the opposite. Everyone who was good at Forge in Halo 3 will be right at home when they play Reach. Everything is still there but...
Ohh Headlong. Oh how I will put more effort into remaking thee than any other map I've forged before.
So what you are saying is before you were assuming because maps looked either clean cut or slightly sloppy that they werent good? Doesn't that...
Back. Now for good, well at least till Halo Reach Forge dies down... in a couple of years.
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
I lauf you Serge.
Speaking of the Forklift Imma make a Foundry remake so you can forge inside of it lol. Ehh actually I don't think that would be a good idea, I...
Hmm I don't suppose any of you remember me, but my lord will I be back full time post release of Halo Reach to be forging and what not. I had been...