*evil sinckers* I guess I should post something, that way I don't keep getting "plz tell me" in my VMs. Longshore is a brand new (no remake) BTB...
Christian Bale?
Nah, it's not that important!
COD: Modern Warfare: Compelling Story, Great Online, Overall a great game for the money. COD:WAW: Wouldn't really recommend it. World War II...
Well, I was....but I wouldn't want to ruin the hype by letting out the truth! That would be no fun at all.
thank you for believing me.
Apparently, I use the Battle Rifle the most.
Lol i iz comedian.
"lokks good, but MLG iz symetrical and ur map isn't symetrical so it's not MLG. it could use more interlocking and geomerging, and dun use walls 4...
Ham sammich
You have just been fined for 100 billion dollars, for rawring in a no-rawring zone.
Zzz....huh? wha? who me?
That one is simple. You were only dreaming of nothingness, because you physically do not know, what is after death. After all, how can you picture...
I would have to go with the Tippmann X-7 for Scenario Games. It's relatively lightweight, and ridiculously customizable. It goes for about $300...
They are quite fags. Their the type of people I would punch in the face and nothing of it. Berk, please do not double post...just edit your last one.
Old pix are old...I'll post some new ones of the updated version in the next hour or so... Lol Tasty, it's nice to see I'm not the only one that...
It's a free FPS for the PC. It plays similarly to Unreal and Quake, and it has a map editor built in.
Thank you for the complement. As of right now, I do not need any help (Though, I will let you know if I need it in the future!). The new version...