cant wait til august 6th
the first is the best hands down its perfect angle were the katana splits the picture
you should have named it monicle (spelling) man
turret smoke is cool to me but the name is kinda blan
i just creamed
i have a feeling the 1st one was made with the hornet just a hunch though was it? there very nice btw
people like to be mean
i loled at ayyyyyy the rest are average at best
thanks man i appreciate your comments
someones is going to have to point this one out i can see it
i did not say i made it just saying it looks cool and thought it should be noticed i guess i should have said that i will edit now
[IMG] i did not make this sorry for confusion i just posted because i thought is was cool and it should be noticed
those are nice what program did you use and what process do you go trough to vector them
i will gt is rawr iam reptar
this picture looks like the marine is dying and the master chief is holding him in his arms and its called It will be ok and the caption is i dont...
well lets see i have had a lot of gamertags the last 3 years of my gaming life. the first one i had was neckbone93 and it came from my step dad...
you really think so?
This is a bunch of random photos i have taken over my halo days tell me what you think and you will enjoy hopefully 1. SiloWETNEsS [IMG] 2.Dont...
this is a remake of the first pic i made this one i think is better [IMG]