Spartans don't die, they just go MIA I guess would be Jun's catch phrase.
^^^ you sir are very picky, was firefight really that big of a part of your life? If it bothers you that much then only put the 3 rounds and then...
Just mess around with pre built things and eventually you should come up with something of your own. Just a side-tip though, don't think about...
Did you actually put in the fish too? I'm just wondering cuz i never saw them before. By the looks of it, it kinda looks like the same old...
Why'd you post the same pic 3 times? Looks intresting but meh on my part
looks more like a mini game, everybody will just chuck grenades left and right :/
yeah everyone really noticed the too open part, apart from that though I find it really nice looking, there's potential but it's not ready right...
^^^ lololol I find the new forge so much more awesome like, you get so much more freedom compared to H3 and IMO forge world looks better then...
^^^ woooow so not attempting that
All in all, Jun ends up being the guy running away with his tail between his legs even after he talked so big :/ still think emile died badly and...
then............. go play odst?
Played a game of firefight with my friends little brother and made him a spartan while I was an elite with like 6 sets of duo hunters on my side...
If your talking to me, no I wasn't playing online at that time, I just spent like 30-45 minutes having fun in forge :)
Can't you just make a normal video and use something like a screen video recorder to "steal" back your video? *thumbs up for cybervandylism*
To start this off, [spoiler]kat's death = ROFLMAO, seriously, she was fighting a whole covenant armada and she dies by 1 needle that magically...
I don't get what people mean by "50 credits" care to explain? Also making a decent forge map nets around 5k and isn't that why were here in the...
Press down on the left thumb stick, it'll make things slow down :)
The top looks too open as well, you could just get shot from all angles and someone with a rocket could dominate everyone from the top platform....
Yeah you should keep going, would definetly make a sick invasion map :)
So I was making a map and I decided to make a kind of flag rush gametype by using the setting from 1-flag ctf. What pre-reqs do I need in order...