I think that's an amazing idea having ledges above the entrances, but maby you should think about the camping, it seems prity easy to camp in one...
the game isnt too familiar, frogger isnt circular, it should just be maby zombies first having to run you over, then next maby add stuff like...
i think you should replace those shield doors with some walls instead, it just isnt that familiar with the shield doors there, but i like how...
this map looks nice and brings back the old days. this map has passably every feature from the original foundation map, 5/5
ok, just making sure. and just to tell you the first time i saw this map i thought it was amazing with all the merging and game play features, and...
ive already seen this many times, the first time ive seen this was a very long time ago. im not sure if your the real owner of the map if your the...
Wow, this looks impressive. This looks like this ,map should be featured. I don't see anything terrible about this map, the merging is all...
I think you should work on a way to keep the people on the ground away from the wall closest to you so they cant hide there and you can't get a...
it doesnt really look like much of a city, but it's still an ok map, but yeah, some of the merging isn't very smooth
i kinda like the pelican, but the phantom seems a bit flat, while the original is quite bulgy and curved, nice try though
your links arent working
This looks so amazing! Better than Titan! but I have one question, is this version larger then the titan version?
FIRST POST! looks ok, but get more pics just so we can see more detail
some parts look crooked
what are you talking about? it says needler up there with the human traits
it looks cool, but in some of the pictures there are some stuff that are a tiny bit crooked, but still i say 4/5
yeah i agree with hitman, maby add a few simple cover stuff such as crates or barriers, or maby add some aesthetic stuff just so the map doesn't...
you should describe more about what's going on in the pics, i dont understand about what you mean on some stuff
this is amazing for a new person! 5/5!
no pics = no downloads