You know your a noob in Halo 3 if as soon as you get in a warthog you flip it and kill everyone in it.
Thats true but thats why your supposed to think about what it is and what it means to you, however you can always get it covered or removed even...
Thats a band? What kind of music?
You know your a noob in Halo 3 if you tell someone your going to beat them, but then back out of the match.
Cool avatar ^.^
Your a noob in Halo 3 if you try to say youll fight someone, knowing your not going to waste the time.
anything with a little power =D something that isnt a minivan but also isnt like a monster i guess?
well if someone annoys you, just mute them. you dont have to make it a big deal and if its really annoying just leave the match. sure you might...
HiHi! =D
you know your a noob in Halo 3 if you get killed by someone named skittelez and cant taste the rainbow :3 but really your a noob in Halo 3 if you...
those sound like really good ideas. What does the blue star mean? like does it have any meaning?
You know your a noob in halo 3 when you get killed by a noob.
HAHAHAHAHA thats weak. poor guy. i feel bad for him though.
I want full sleeves. Im not exactly sure what will be on them but im positive i want sleeves. Where do you want yours?
You know your a noob in Halo 3 when you recieve a double beatdown, OR when you give a double beatdown.
This seems like a very interesting map, great story and amazing traps. I like the whole idea of things spawning at different times leading the...
I really liked this game, best one so far. Anyone else play it? It is actually quite jumpy and freaky :3
You know your a noob in Haol 3 when someone kills you and you constantly shout hacks.
well if thats all WaW is, like a few new perks and thats it then why waste your money?
Well hello =D even though i know you have been here longer then me i still wanna welcome you since you didnt do this yet. So hihi =D