you know your a noob in halo if you go into a thread just to talk ****. you know your a noob in halo if you cant get one kill the whole match...
this is a very nice map, its a bit sloppy but thats alright its still very playable and very nice. I would interlock a few more things just to...
you know your a noob in halo if run off the edge of the map and wonder how you died.
you know your a noob in halo if you forge a map and wonder why you never play it in matchmaking.
You know your a noob in halo if you shout UAV! in the middle of the match. BEAT THAT anyone :3
you know your a noob in halo if you get stuck and run towards your teammates.
hahahahahha thats so true i didnt even notice that. I also really really like Death at a funeral. Great Classic
you know your a noob in halo if you try to hijack a warthog but instead just sit in the passenger seat.
your a noob in halo if you have a BR and lose to someone with a plasma pistol O.O
They really do have odd movies on O.O i love Waynes World 1 & 2 though.
you know your a noob in halo if you get camo but continue to shoot wildly.
I have never seen that i always wanted to. I really like this sci-fi movie called species.
hahahaha nice one. you know your a noob in halo if you get boarded when your driving a banshee
you know your a noob at halo if you breath into the mic really loud just to annoy people >.>
daaaaaaamn. he needs some aloe. but you know your a noob at halo if you get one double kill in a whole match and then brag about it.
you know your a noob in halo when try to assassinate someone and miss.
You know your a noob at halo when you double post :3 dont do that =D but you know your a noob at halo when stick yourself.
Hey cOLeVIII your double posting a lot, you really shouldnt do that. But its a very good map maybe you should interlock it some more just for...