I think thats hilarious XP Neither one got hurt so let the laughs roll =D i woulda think he would have swurved or something but oh well XD
Is there any prize? Or not, either way im interested just tell meh first :3
this is actually really amazing, i love it. Its very well thought out and very very clean. I dont have anything to offer you about this or...
this seems....empty i guess. I would really add more to it, it has nice geomerging and interlocking but it doesnt really seem to have a lot to...
You know your a noob in halo when you get killed and the other person recieves a bulltrue.
Im going to ha, I want to pwn people with meh gold gun =D ten dollars is really worth it.
DUDE thats so not cool. That was my song D= oh well heres a new one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsmmzwZapbE
tell him to quit being a **** then!
you know your a noob in halo when you kill yourself with a flamethrower.
This map has an interesting idea, it just needs to be worked on a little clean it up and make it more ummm....user friendy is a good way to say...
well tell his ogre ass to get a job.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZMkYNF2BcM Fun times with beethoven =D hope you enjoy
Wow those maps actually look sick, especially the new canals. Thanks for showing me that and im going to pay the ten dollars extra.
You know your a noob in halo if spam grenades and ACTUALLY kill someone.
you know your a noob in halo when you think "the guardians" is a GT.
So just all the old maps just more messed up? Nothing new can be downloaded?
You know your a noob in halo when throw a trip mine and kill yourself later in the match with it.
Hahahahhaha make sure you get him to do it right.
you know your a noob in halo when throw a energy drain into a squad of your teammates.
Wow i have never seen anything like this O.O very nice its very original and i like that, i like the whole concept of it. I dont really have...