In reality carriers are just a big open deck, how much more bland can you get? :squirrel_giggle: Anyway i'll try making a plane just so you have...
FFG-672 has something like that, only it shoots you onto a platform at the front of the ship.
ok. it's now on my "to-do list" thanks.
i'll have to make that my meditation area, lol. The fountain is particularly creative, well done
Description: This here is a model of the very ship that my oldest brother is serving on right now so i thought i'd make a tribute. Anyway, the...
Has it killed you yet? heh heh
I think it's the thing below the Snowspeeder. looks destructable too, woot!
Sweetness. looks just like the movie picture from the side view. nice job!
Yes, Now that you've said it i'm curious to know what "holey" is and how i can fix it...
Finally! i've needed bigger budgets since Halo 3 came out. I'm gonna try this out right now! *something massive this way comes...* :squirrel_evil:
No sir, i dont have any more archived maps. the ones i've posted are new creations i've been wanting to do for a while. I make them as i get ideas...
yeah, sorry. i added 2 different maps to the FS. i'll add it this afternoon when i get out of class.
Youre too kind. I'm just doing my part to make this website as good as it can possibly be. More maps on the way, i assure you.
Description: Enough fiction, lets get down to Earth. The 21st Century's most powerful airborne arsenal: The AC-130 Spectre. Feel its power by...
Will do, I've actually got some sweet ideas of maps you can help me with but those will come later.
I'm not much of one for words so here's the nitty-gritty Gender: Male Age: 19 Occupation: College Student Location: Alaska, USA Interests: Halo,...
Ideas and Scenery. I love the ability to make just about anything i please in beautiful HD graphics. Being a freelance mechanical engineer helps...
As well as a 200mm Siege cannon used in WW2. Moved by train and never left the tracks. =)
House maps are always fun. I like the power-ups as lights thing to liven up the party. I'll queue it up and play it. Cheers!
Description: Due to the many requests i recieved about my other ship maps, the new player-combat rated "Haephestus' Thunder" is ready for action....