Looks like that freaky Terran jet fighter from Starcraft. :squirrel_giggle:
Nice! That area marker makes a great effect. rockin' on :squirrel_rocking:
Damn. Dragonfly is right, that sucker is pretty big. Keep it up
It will be able to fire later on, i just need to figure out the Man Cannon placement since the barrel is too small to slide one in
Wow... just wow. That was amazing. I'm going to try and make my own. 3D Elite FTW!
Description: When furbyxxx told me about the M109 paladin, i was interested in finding out what an M109 was. After a brief google search, i had...
Description: Pretty straight-forward layout. The MH-47 is hovering above the center of the map facing the satillite dish array. In the helicopter...
Yeah, i had to get Bungie Pro so i could upload all my maps. FFG-418 had this same problem so you'll probably have to go to my bungie.net File...
I'll get to that but I have a long list of requests that i'm trying to fight through right now. Look at my signature for the current projects.
Commander Grade 3, 600XP from Strike Commander. Yes, you heard correctly: STRIKE COMMANDER which is a much more badass title than just a General....
Re: D&T Circuit on Rats Nest Looks hilarious in the vid. I'm definitely downloading this. :squirrel_rocking:
Re: Scorpion (not the tank) If i saw that thing walking towards me, duck and cover 'cause there's a nuke coming down. Anyway... it looks like a...
In my new map variant on Valhalla (a 1 vs all VIP gametype) i need the non-VIP team to spawn at progressive spawn areas as the VIP reaches the...
I'll post messages when i feel that i must: Quality over quantity. :squirrel_evil:
There's one of these in Mass Effect?? hmm, i may get the game after all... :squirrel_rocking:
Niiiice. those things looked sick in the movie. Keep up the good work
That might be difficult, i know a mongoose can go through but havent tested a warthog. best of luck though. :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
lol. then you, wait a sec, that's what you could do if TimeShift had a Forge setting... IDEA!!!
*stunned* um... i'm never buying CoD4 now.
Description: I seem to recall someone asking for a Railgun to be built for them... here's one for ya! Shinra's city-sized world-demolishing weapon...