FFG-481 has a MAC gun. This version is for playablility
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
I loved the part where the sword guy was running around saying "crap" every time he saw a blocked door. "ooh, here we go..." KABOOM!!!! i almost...
Set half the spawn markers to Attacker and the other half to Defender. Whichever setting spawns red, then put that in the red room and the...
Actually each team has their own base with the side capture spots. The respawn areas sound like they would work though so i'll try it out. Thanks
In my Ia Drang Valley map, the two teams have a main base with a spawn point cluster and the 2 seperate bases with 3 spawn points each (subject to...
In the N64 version, the cubicles had breakable windows that you could shoot through, bullets can pass but not players. if i made that room too...
Oh, come on, i loved playing as Oddjob! And yes, i hated Complex. My brother was always the Siberian Special Forces guy so be could blend in with...
Remember the room with the DD44 next to the cubicles? well, in that room there was a wall that you could open up to reveal a tunnel with body...
Archives Description: If you've ever played the N64 game Goldeneye then you'll remember this chaotic Soviet building. The construction of the...
Actually yes, i was thinking of something like that for my Chinook. (i havent tested this yet so i dont know if vehicles can slip through...
Bottom of Standoff? I'm trying to re-create the foundry-based M109 on the hillside looking outward if that's the kind of "bottom" you mean.
Very clever. I love how the man cannons give it an in-flight look to it. Keep up the good work.
Ha! that's awesome! nicely shaped and it floats, double win. Just remember to pack a phaser if you board the thing. :squirrel_giggle:
Yeah, they're everywhere. Better being some UV flashlights and metal stakes if you're planning to visit.
My first attempt was actually on Standoff but the uneven terrain and semi-limiting building materials made me lean more towards Foundry. With...
Juneau huh? I'm in Anchorage. Welcome to Forge Hub
Jeez, took long enough to sign up... Hmmm... not bad position. GO FORGE HUB!!
Well, mine is kinda simple... I've liked the Covenant Elites since i saw them in the E3 2000 trailer for Halo so i decided to let people know who...