Ok,the map looks pretty clean and i see things i like.The pics are nice and the overall map looks very impressive.The map should play well. The...
Get on Halo Treeeeee right nao
I don't know man.This map i guess looks Ok,but it needs work.It might be fun with alot of ppl but the map looks very bumpy. You should learn how...
Wow.this map is so beast.The geomerging is sick and your creativity is mind blowing.This map kind of reminds me of epic center but alot better and...
This looks like a new creative infection map.It seems and looks very clever.Its basic but with like 10ppl its probably very enjoyable.Nice work...
The map looks fun from the pics but in your post you said "1 hours",which makes no sense.Sorry i just spotted it :).You should try and interlock...
I see you have alot of information in your post and you made it into a map pack which is nice.Nice description and pictures.The map looks pretty...
This map actually looks fun for maybe ctf.The map is neat with good interlocking but idk if i see any geomerging but the map still looks very...
This is actually a pretty creative idea.I like how you really can't camp because each one of the hills move every 15secs. The idea i've never seen...
When i first saw the map i was like..not another arena map this map is way more than that.You have fantastic geomerging and a nice layout.Good job...
I played this at alot og TGIFs and i wondered if this was getting featured but now it finally is,I really enjoyed being the mouse and going off...
You have a long read but thats a good thing because the longer it it to read,the better.From the text and pics the map looks well planned and...
I see you have nice interlocking and geomerging and you have some creativity.The map looks alittle open it the middle areas.Also i think you used...
The map itself is nice with all the geomerging but just the idea alone is sooooo beastly.I would have never thought of this in a million...
The phantom looks nice but the pelican needs a little work.I like how you tried though.You don't see alot of maps like this anymore so i give you...
You have a nice layout and nice description of the map but your pictures aren't working for me man.Try to fix that
This map looks like a great 2v2 map.The first pic just caught my attention.Then when looking at other pics i realized how nice the map is.The...
This map looks very nice to me.The boxes all look clean and you have some very nice geomerging.It looks like you can't escape the map which is a...
Yeah, Steven you finally posted the map.I've seen the map in person and it looks very clean.The weapon placement is on key and the look of the map...
Like others said..the pics are blurry but the map looks well made and clean from the pics.Slayer is probably fun on the map.I don't know if...