Well,to start off,i like to see when people point out that they geomerged.The pictures are very small, BUT, when i put my EYE to the screnn,the...
I can see where your going with this and its a pretty good idea,but it seems kind of small.The map also looks pretty easy to escape but I must...
Once i saw the picture of the base with all those weapons,i just lost all hope.No offense it looks like you just through around some bridges and...
The map looks OK,but i agree with all the others.There should be a roof because you never know,the alpha zombie could knock you out with the...
This is a very clean looking map.The design and structures are original.I like how you worked hard on the side of foundry with that structure in...
The map looks fun for 2v2.It probably plays better than 2 0r 3 2v2 tourney maps.The weapon setup looks nice and the map looks clean. The only...
Help with SPAWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey..try to send me a friend request on xbox live so i can invite you when we start.What part of NY are you from?I'm from Queens
The map looks set-up pretty well.I'm pretty sure this is symmetrical.I see you have interlocking.I won't bother you about geomerging but wit...
This is a very nice map.I remember testing this.Its very creative and it looks like it took a while to make.Its very clean with nice geomerging.I...
The map has a good idea and i do see you choose to interlock.I like the concept of indoor maps but i think you should fix this alittle and make a...
I think i have seen v1.The whole concept is brilliant with the tunnels and weapons.This reminds me of tunnel rats but this plays well with...
I have to say that the map is very well made and that the geomerging isn't crooked at all.The only thing i would say is that the side areas are a...
I've seen alot of this ship maps but i've never seen one based on this ship.It is very well made and even though you see this alot this is...
This map looks pretty nice but you can probably spawn kill and such.I've seen this idea before but not for oddball.Pretty nice map
I've seen this map before.I don't know were i played it but i played it.Its pretty fun but its alittle too hard for humans to win.Try to make it a...
You got it buddy...shhhhhhh
Hello my fine feathered friend.Make sure to mute all the noisy kids.LOL
This actually looks like a really nice map.From the pics you focused more on gameplay than showing off your wonderful map.Like others,i say that...
This looks pretty clever.Taking a map no one likes and turning it into a good map.From the pics the map looks fun.I'll try to download and test...