This is the start of my German assignement. We have to make a children's picture book, it has to include animals and rooms. The actual wording...
THIS MAP IS FOR LAZY MAP MAKERS! Circulation is a simple map designed around a central courtyard, it is mirror symmetrical and is basically a ring...
When ever I go into photoshop, I scroll down the list of brushes, and once I get to a certain point, it gets REALLY laggy. Is there a virus and/or...
I'm a beginner at photoshop, and would like some stuff to do to try and get better, I have a very limited understanding so don't expect anything....
[IMG] This is a plan that I conjured up, it is recreating(kinda :P) a part from LoZ: WW, the part when you're in the temple of the Gods and you...
[IMG] I might remake the Globe Theater, this is a plan. It would be floating in the Avalanche Cavern, and have no floor, why? For balance, it will... HA HA HA HA! I like how he copies the animations and everything, watch him t-bag. And I thought we...
I'm going with metric, so much simpler and actually makes sense. 100 FTW! Opinions?
Download: here Weapons: 7xBR 1xCarbine 1xAR 2xSMG 1xSniper 1xShotty 1xMagnum 1xPP 1xRocket 2xPR 2xSpikers 2xBrute shot 2xNeedlers 2xMG turrets...
A problem is starting to come up, it happened before and it's happening now. Interlocking pretty much became a standard in maps after a while,... This will only really apply to Australians but here goes: I live here, it's in Sydney. ITS...
Original thread:Here Please reply and vote on the Bnet thread. So basically I'm saying that the bruteshot should be included in RR, but not...
I plan on re-imaginating Boarding Action from Halo: CE, however, I am faced with a problem! Should I use the outside of Blackout, or, Avalanche?...
As some of you may know, the Battlefield: Bad Company demo is out, on the marketplace. Basically the game is another FPS, but here's the catch:...
Here it is... [IMG] I know I posted this in the other thread with more screens, but this one needs its own separate thread.
So these are my best pics(so far)... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] None of these have been edited. I'll get some more up soon... LOOK... (3:30 girl stuffs up) [IMG]
Download:Here Gametypes: Territories(Conquest). Weapons: 2x Beam rifle(120 sec) 4x PR 4x Magnum 2x Spiker 2x Carbine 4x Frag(20 sec) 2x...
Who is a modder. Do you think I should delete him? I don't wanna because he is good at making maps(and has some pretty awesome mods). So...what do...