Watch all of it.
So just post what you plan on getting in 2009. Only games that'll be released this year. Describe if possible. Definite(if possible) Dawn of War...
Legalise? I'll give my opinion later.
As you may or may not know DoW2 is coming out relatively soon. It's a game for PC. New video(blood ravens) If you don't know what it is, here's a...
How far should whaling go? Now before you comment, I want you to think of the advantages and disadvantages. I will post my opinion later if...
Evolution wise? Assuming evolution is real, if you do not believe in evolution don't post. Also assuming that we don't blow each other up. I...
lulsad You don't need to be a Spanish scholar to work this out.
...That forge is a good map editor because it takes skill, really, it's just hard to use and full of flaws. A map creator/editor should never be...
YouTube - Maury - Girl is scared to death of pickles I...I just don't get it...
[IMG] A short doodle in VA. Doesn't represent anything, just a weird hand.
I was just playing around with some new effects. [IMG] Uprise Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer [IMG] Streak Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer...
If no one could see your rank, but it was still there(so you are matched up right), boosting and second accounts wouldn't exist, there'd be...
Synthetic meets Analytical.(Colour nao!) Here's an abstract I did: [IMG] I'm making a colour one and a more abstract one. Suggestions pleax0rz....
[IMG] Will add more later. CnC pl0x(wutevrar that means). v2. [IMG] It kinda went down hill.
These are some assorted halo levels, redone on PS. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I put this in General chat, so don't post stupid replys, post something Realistic. Job? I personally want to be involved in the fine arts,...
I've been doing a(non-budget glitched)map, all's been going well. Until I ran in to the item limit, It's on Avalanche, van you help me?
These were taken in a session(for the screenshot comp), I'm taking a larger interests in abstracts now. None of these are modded. [IMG]This...
So basically [On Avalanche], I am re-imagining the CoD4 level(s) bog and warpig, the one where you have to guard a tank and then escort it. I...
[IMG] C&C plUx.