your pictures are not up. you need to embed them in the post first by saving them to your computer, then uploading them to photobucket, take the...
hey for one of your screenshots take a cross sectional view of your map without the walls on one side so we can kinda see an overview.
i would love to place more objects on this map so i could make it absolutely perfect but i hit the object limit and i am personally surprised you...
ok i got some good and some bad for this map. GOOD: i like the set up and the forging is pretty good some spots here and there that could use...
downlaod the new version of bliss v2 as it has a few minor updates and fixes
good looking map for no merging done. the lower levels might have a little to much cover but it looks like a great free for all map. 9/10
yeah it looks like a great slayer map but objective is kind of sketchy. also the top level could use a few rails on the sides but i do like that...
i know im not supposed to but i posted this right as the update was occuring and the lack of views is kind of sad so ...bump..
needs more cover downlow and also those gaps by the windows would be a problem area. looks good though but i would suggest filling in the gaps in...
i like the idea with the tubes but thats the only thing that makes it not mlg. maybe take out the 2nd tube closest to the middle on all the y...
Bliss V2 is large map (recommended 4v4) and is set up for TS and CTF. Bliss V2 is not only bigger and better than the original, it was also...
if anyone wants to play this map send me an invite because unfortunately none of my friends play halo 3 any more and i actually have never even...
nice looking map but as everyone said more pics! whats in that epic 8 story building! i dont know if the lack of weapons is because of budget or...
lol in a hurry to get this up or something? uhhh ok maybe need some more pics and a descripition as well as the weapon count and respawn times....
from what you can see it looks like a great remake but i have to agree get some more pics up. over all though it does look smooth and accurate...
i think maybe lose some of the weapons and make the mid accesible by jump then it would be nice 6/10
thanks everyone for the DL and all your suggestions. the only thing that might be wrong with it is the spawns but i had to many objects on map to...
yes i tried to incorporate everyones suggestions from the first version
Bliss V2 is now up! check it out!