I have personally reviewed the map you have sent me, and congrats. You're our first crafter. Now, I'll be sure to edit my post to show you're in....
This is probably what every forger without a large party has thought of at one time. What if there was a way to always have the correct party size...
Hey, this is Benzu13. I'll get to the point so you don't have to read as much. I'm wishing to start an unofficial forging group called Original...
Salutes to you! This map looks fantastic and fun! I can only imagine how frustrated you were while during construction! Design 9.5/10, Crafting...
Bah! In some spots it looks like you actually tried, and in other spots looks like random junk. The KoTH spots are small, as Gollygeeanelite...
Wow! This map is created awesomely! I love how the map revolves around the structure but walking outside is also an option (very good for CTF and...
Meh, it's cleanly crafted but I never like the plus-shaped design. You also add certain things onto the map such as the teleporters which I guess...