As you all know, is down... what the heck do I use now if I want to post a map or two?!
...Infinity? I thought it was bigger. And yes the map is alright too. I'd give it a 3.5/5 because although it's crafted very well there is...
Shut up! I haven't posted my competitive maps yet! (mutters in an abominable voice) ... you'll all see... you'll all see...
Flawless Crafting, the design takes full advantage of all of Sandbox's pieces, and the gameplay follows nicely. So it's nice 5/5. 9.5/10.
Yup. You'll really be a good addition to Originality Studios... I was at first a mini-game professional, but then I inputted a little experience...
Question: All gametypes supported? Question 2: Doesn't it seem a little unbalanced that one team has the high-ground? P.S. downloading...
... In the final pic, is that really you? Because I know a guy who attatches "NG" to all his maps... Nathon Green. And if you happen to be that...
Epicalium! You've been posting alot of maps recently, and you truly are a mini-game genius. Just don't flood the forums, as I couldn't stand for...
Wow. Even better than the first! You truly are an original forger. Concepts like this just don't come every day. 5/5 concept. 4.5/5 design. 4.5/5...
Meh. It's been done before. And besides that, you need more pics to show the action of... camping.
... How are you so good at this? I can't make a map this good without a template. 5/5. I love the aesthetics and the feel to the whole thing.
Please give more pictures of the rooms, I don't want to spam but... you deserve to be told this over and over again.
Excellent. And tell THEM to invite everyone they can..
I can't make you an admin, but I can make you a moderator. You better be on the site often as a mod, (get on at school or something, it's what I...
...Probably. :( Well, unless the two are forging together... what's to stop the crafter from ditching as well? I know the whole system has its...
Well, I know that there is no set in stone partners. But just think of how long that would take. I submit a map to a couple of really good forgers...
Love it! I'd give you a 5/5 for crafting, 4.5/5 for designing. THIS IS SQUEAKY CLEAN, and it features new architectural pieces in it never before....
It'd be helpful if you PM'd me the idea(s) of your map instead of telling me to visit the preview. Because I might not get all of your ideas or...
FINE! You can be a Designer... plus help with crafting. It seems awefully wasteful for a person with featured maps not even help with the map. So...
Okay, okay. One at a time, please. Just remember that if you want to join, send me a private message on xbox live. And you MUST input these two...