I'm sure many people recognize the name DIEabolical by now, and it's also safe to assume that you are getting better. In a short amount of time,...
Goin' in my sig. :) I knew who you were from the start, so I was wondering "What's cowboypickle doing with a map named 'A cool map'?" Well, I...
Link? Although I'm excited as hell, I thought forge was taken back because of... ...loadouts. If you can customize your character, mapmaking...
I like the map. It was a (lol) good post, and a good map, too. I like your style, the map is condensed but faraway, it's close quarters yet large,...
Although I SHOULD be criticizing your post, despite my better knowledge I followed the link. And should I say that's the funniest montage video...
You make some good points. Why make an aesthetic map but sacrifice for playability, but playability that might not be so good anyway? The answer...
I have two words for you: -Forging 101 -Ghost Merging -Too open -Moar Interlocking -Learn Expectations -Meet them -Casual Map -It's breakable...
This map has squeaky clean forging, a nice and balanced implementation of vehicles, and lots of circles. I think this map plays very nicely, and...
Active Camo for sure. With this you can 1v1 all your encounters. Just pop on the invis, get first blood, win in the shootout, and pop your invis...
Hmmm... I like this. You should put in large text what gametypes it's playable with, and which gametypes should be preferred. It's a standard map...
On the contrary. I am the UNoriginal forger. Pscht! Taking a castle from another game and turning it into a three dimensional playable map is not...
[IMG] Castle Oblivion Concepted and Forged by: Benzu13 ORIGIN: Recently I have been making a runthrough through all of the Kingdom Hearts...
This map is the ****. I'm going to download it now. Although I don't expect it to have the most wonderful play, I'm downloading this as an...
This map is damn sexy, but it looks like it could be improved by: For one, I know that the different heights provide vantage points and cover,...
I couldn't put it better. It also has great forging! The map has a simple yet symmetric layout but seems assymetric while playing. Even something...
To improve your post: -Add more pics -Make these pics NOT in forge mode (gridlines are fugly) -Action shotz! -Give a better explanation on your...
I can't tell you too many things to improve the map. It's just...There are some minor forging...imperfections, aka the map doesn't have any flaws,...
The idea is good. Circular map, it's something that I'm going to make as soon as I'm done with my current agenda. BUT... -The map is TOO large....
One Halo Game to still be made is Halo Forerunner, either about the events past Halo 3 or about the Spartans still left in a Forerunner complex,...
Hahaha... Nice to make a map after me, but...almost. I'm guessing this was from my idea once I got Mythic II? Oh well. It's clean, but it just...