Allthough I had a great idea for a non-holdout map, that idea seems to have escaped my mind, so, after thinking a bit I thought it would be cool...
A map based inside of a breaking space ship (on infection or VIP <-- best option) where you have to escape from the ship before 3 minutes other...
any1 seen that piece of **** movie called "bridge to terebithia" chilidish and gay. now let me explain the movie plot in a quike summary. boy that...
im gonna be praparing for MY b-day which is on the 29th :)
i just down loaded "bloody cliffs" its a awsome map well done!!! (oh yer is that u in the picture if it is ur pretty cute!!)
wow fun map!!! i would give it a 3.5/5 but i cant so a 4/5 :) lol
i will help gamertag "HopefulRUIN" i am very experienced in infection maps i have a lot of maps so i wont both giving you a link but if you go...
ok i will edit the post soon if you have down loaded it and you enjoyed it plz comment :)
ok im reposting soon but down load anyway and check it out personally
hi this is my 1st post its a infection map called demon town[IMG] the aim of demon town is to survive with the weapons you can find use team...