I have been making this map for about 2 months because I do not spend much time on Halo, but i'm far to lazy to finish it and I need somebody to...
Can a Mod please move this to forge Discussion, I posted it in the wrong place. And yeah I guess i'll put pictures up.
As the title says i'm making an Asset map that uses the Asset Convoy game-type. All I need doing is a good looking Covenent spawn and base and...
Yeah, I do too actually. I like making maps and gametypes which link into other storys and such.. I think they'll make the gametype settings alot...
Asset is great. I play it all the time with my friends. And Rifte, do you think your going to carry Asset on to Halo: Reach? (Assuming it has...
Could I ask, how do the ladders work? :o
I remember the first map I made. Demon Town. That thing was SO much fun, especially when playing with people who hadn't played it before....
Really? Because ive tried countless times and it doesn't seem like you can, so would you be so kind as to tell me how to do this?
It sounds like it could be quite good, however, im pretty much 99% sure that when ever you look at a juggernaut the juggernaut symbol appears...
I think you should try to make it symetrical, that would look bad-ass.. Also.. D:<
Nahh, We tested it and I think its fine with the hornet This is great map though guys It deffinetly deserves a download Btw Crypto this is...
Yeah, I know what they are :L Ive looked over all the maps and ive started placing checkpoints on mine. I would say its going to end up being...
Im in the middle of making a map for the Asset: Convoy Gametype and I was wandering Where im meant to place checkpoints. Should I place them right...
Add HopefulRUIN, i'll be happy to test it
Ok, Im working on it with somebody else right now I guess i'll get all the forging done and then work out what else I should do when Convoy is...
This map looks incredibley fun, but, I think you need to make a V2 Those floors in the zombie and human spawn are just soo bumpy D: I might...
Ok, I'm currently in the middle of making an Asset map on Sandbox and I don't know what gametype to use for it. It Cannot be a Holdout Map and (It...
Oh yeah My GT: HopefulRUIN
Ive got nothing to do, I know im a rookie but thats just because I don't bother posting my maps. I would gladly help (Yes I can Ghost merge,...
Waw, that's impressive When are you planning to make the Asset map..?