Thanks for reviving my dead thread xD It's actually not alot like spire, well.. maybe the first phase is similar to Spire's.
Jesus, it looks beautiful. I <3 Portal. You did a great job here man. Off-Topic.. You have exactly 360 posts. xD
Congratualtions on your first map post. (I assume) The map looks good. I couldn't grasp the layout from the video but I think it's symmetrical.....
It looks pretty good. Wierdly enougn I was working on Symmetrical 'Re-imagining' of Chill out (Well actually it was based mostly off Cold Storage...
Are the weapons balanced now? Cause it sound like it would take a long time to kill somebody with that Recon class..
It's dissapointing that nobody has replied considering the time that went into the well constructed post. Anyway, hello. I'm also heavily creative...
I'm having a heated self-to-self debate on whether or not to buy Brotherhood, but the multiplayer has inticed me, so I'd like opinions from a...
You can't double post, you're gonna have to delete one of your map threads or you will recieve an infraction. The map seems to have many places...
Yeah, unfortunetly people pick the most offensive class all the time, and never go for the strategic classes or anything. But people are like that...
Yeah, I saw that video a while ago and I facepalmed. The type of traffic it's bringing to your channel probably isn't the right kind either, that...
If you want to make a game like this you think about what role each class would take and don't just throw in random weapon + AA combo's. For...
Hmmm.. Shotgun and Rockets seem awfully close together.. It's actually bigger than I expected. And may I just say that you've done a wonderful job...
The map looks amazing, seems like it'd play pretty well also. Too bad I don't like the MLG gametype :l Oh, has anybody mentioned that this thread...
Headhunter shouldn't be hard. You just gotta put down Capture Zones, otherwise the spawn points and such are the same as they would be in Slayer.
This map just blew my mind. You thinking of getting anymore testing in before release? I'd love to join in if you are.
This actually isn't a bad one (especially when compared to your impossible Pelican Crash idea) but it still brings about the same question. Why...
I realised you could come out of a different teleporter (It would kind of defeat the purpose otherwise). Maybe we could play this next time we're...
Okay then. ;) This doesn't effect the map in anyway (Actually the map looks like fun) but you might want improve your grammar next time you post...
Yeah, I should of realised that from the recomended player count. I just realised though, you can go into a teleporter and come out of the same...