People will feel more like helping if you have pictures.. To get picture you have to take them in theatre (Obviously), put them in you're file...
Yeah I know, Shadow, I was Js. If somebody who doesn't particularly get it downloads it they may not like it.
Oh and yeah, being able the amount an AA can be used. Like where you can change it's use to unlimited or none, you should be able to change it to...
Yeah, I had this when setting up Invasion. It was compatible but when I tested it everybody was spawning in the wrong places so I went into forge...
I think Factions truly shines when the leader knows exactly what he's doing. I love Factions but I think that somebody's going to get the wrong...
They need to fix Juggernaut also. VIP is my most wanted thing though. And being able to edit Invasion traits for Spartans and Elites seperately....
I don't personally see anything wrong with the colour of the letters. That first picture is actually epic. Curved walls work great as sails....
So it only pulls you to towards it the blue one when you touch the red one, in basic terms?
Actually looks decent for a non-Forgeworld map. I'll try to remember to play this. You say it plays like Highground eh? Oh, by the way, could you...
Used to be 10, now I play at 5 >< I feel it's a good balanced number.
Learn some stuff by August Burns Red.. I've been playing there stuff lately and they have a few sick riffs. I suggest learning August Burns Red -...
Ohai Akatsu! Welcome to ForgeHub. Yeah yeah yeah! ^^
It won't work the way you think it might work. Think ouside the box.
Sounding good man. I remember talking to you about your band and this vocalist sure does sound better than the last guy. Thinking of studio...
I don't really understand the sword room. If you could elaborate? And uh, what name would that be?
This map produced some of the most fun I've ever had in FFA. Just sayin.
Looks interesting.. I'll keep my out for the release of this. That sword room Crypt mentioned sounds strange, from what I can see it looks pretty...
No, this is way old. I stopped working on this weeks ago. If you wanted to see why I wanted you to join the other day go look at I screenshot I...
I did run-through yesterday, couldn't get a game on it though. It's awesome. Didn't like how far I was walking to get a needle rifle though ;D (jk...
I'm going to post on this because I thought the same thing (Indirectly making this the first ever thread on the introductions page to recieve more...