lulz, and stuff, well if you haz Skype I can tell you later there, and few others, are I am taking a bit of a nap :P
Yeah, if you know one, you kinda go around to knowing most, but tomorrow we play or something I'll tell you some stuff ;)
Not necciarly, but maybe, I do it for many others like Urk, Walshy, and Bryan Simon, and few others, but you on Halo right now?
*assassinates* mwhahahaha I was evil :)
Bumper Jumper, sensitivity depends on how I am playing that day, but I snipe a lot so it goes from 1 to 4. I used to play on 7 with my shitty...
D: fllr
ON YOUR KNEES! lulz I is bored, MLG?
Ohai Phreakie :D
Xbox Press : ?Halo 3: ODST? Transport Vehicle embarks on a nationwide tour to bring the thrill of ?Halo 3: ODST? to fans at GameStop locations in...
Haha yeah, Neighbor was talking to me and hes trying to make me get back into MLG and go to LANs, so he may take me to a few. I need to work on my...
No Problem.
I was in H2, and LANS, and he used to leave few doors down. I can ask him too shoot you a fr.
He is sick, and he is my RL friend kinda, and he's on my FL. Plus he hates Flag when he is sick for some reason, but he rapedddd in Slayer
Thank you :)
You missed play with MLG Pro Neighbor....xD fail
:ddd :p
Also I was there in the lobby noob, when we party bombed him, he got mad at me for that. But he has the video still
lol mkk, dont be like everyone else and freak out..xD
When was that?
Thanks :)