Would you care if I use your mongoose map in a contest on my website, reply when can :)
Im just playing on Zanitor, I have nothing to really lose on it, I really dont care how it looks, I know I can play well so it doesnt matter
He could be a player too, also I just realized I REALLY need to work on my skill, and me and Adam are working together, and we are going to a few...
Oh alright, but Adam asks to not talk about Dookie Blasters >.> Cause we kinda kicked him off.....
I got a coach too, or a player, he was my Halo 2 teams coach :D
No Shields i likey! :P XBL?
Well I've been talking to crookd killa he seems great, I play pretty well with him. Also his friend Lonewolve is back so. Also try not to mention...
Got some replys from sponsors
Hey, my bros weddign rehersal and stuff is tonight, but I maybe able to get on later tonight, or after wedding tommorrow, and I got some...
lol :P I r prozor :P
I got bored last night....So I got my 50...lulz, I also sold a 50 that was in Squad Battle :D
I got mah 50 :D Without Neighbor's help too!
Hey I can't do TGIF cause I got wedding rehearsal for my brothers wedding. Also his bachelor Party, so I can next time for sure!
*not Zanitor*
Yeah :D I work from home too, and I am just going to work on it and due matinice, and it is not technically a "job" so I can't get in trouble with...
Bah, power went out sorry guy :/ Also I get a temporary job, im making a website for a Hair Salon....xD
xbl? im on my other acc :P
No problem, it really deserves it!
lol yeah, but it was animated, but roche did not get it to work, but meh :P