We have it with effects so you see how the map will feel. It look darker in the pictures than it actually is. The dark feel still is a very...
Voted ;) Hope you guys win.
I know you......
win. nuff said
Not cool.....Not cool.... But I am Zanitor, your living in your oven friend :D
add me on XBL. Then help me with last part of puzzle, kthx...xD
So here are my 2nd and 3rd try at a signature, still trying to read more stuff, and I tried out scanlines, now I want to do one incorporating...
Skype, important conversation is important.
I've never done graphic arts for signatures in the past and tried. I do web designing, never really tried signatures, but I found a really simple...
make one soon, and halocrossing.com
I'm actually very impressed with what you have done with this signature, it is very deep, I also actually prefer the blue visior, it makes it...
Hmm true, also are you planing to make more? I hope you do! Also would you care to post forgers cell on my website?
GT: Zanitor Maps Chosen: Corruo Sato by CaptianSTFU Ring Fire by BraveDave My favorites, are normally Mini Games.
hmmm..... I wanna go in forge and break this, but NNOOOO :P I have to say best puzzle ever.
I'm on puzzle 9, and i fail, I want to play with the vehicles :(
Expect a ton of Downloads on map and gametypes:Bungie.net : HaloCrossing's Mongoose Challenge : 10/14/2009 9:10 AM PDT Also mentioned your name,...
Awesome will post you had it, and it will be put on bungie.net, so you have a ton of downloads ;)
Yeah :) Your using one I found for you :D
I havent been on XBL in a while I got Pneumonia and I have been letting sister in law play, she says you invite a lot, but I should be getting...
o/ fllllllllr