Thanks Shock o/
BAh I need sleep for a bit :P
Ah, okay, I thought it would be rather the same. My method of giving you demo> Shocks :P
Ahh, alright ;) Also do you have full powers now? If so was the vB demo pretty much the same?
I feel bad for trying to make you get your sleep on track...xD I have been awake since 3pm yesterday, but now I am staying up till 7pm today to...
YEah, but the stuff you have to fill out within the It is kinda misleading, and I need to find something about how to learn what...
Imma go to bed for nao, but you find something, I will have your sock monkeys.....again...kthxnite :)
Thats with uploading a Upgrade, im starting form beginning, filling everything out, and it is quite confusing, and I have found nothing upon it.
Ohh, so sleep is slightly on track?
Wow that couldn't be more fail :P Did you wake up randomly feeling the need to be on FH? :P
/facepalm, did you ALREADY messup your sleep nub? lol