Yeah, you can play as Johnson in Firefight if you preorder the game. But in that picture... Is it just me, or is Johnson holding a new type of...
I must admit that hallway looks just a bit plain. I don't have Xbox live, so I am not familiar with Sandbox's object palette, but is there...
Somehow this reminds me of the Beast Barges from GOW2 Campaign.
OMG, just OMG. I looked at the enlarged version, the innermost circle is a spartan's head, am I correct?
This is probably the wrong place to post this, but I have a question that I didn't want to start a new thread about: After you complete the game,...
Cod-Waw guns______-_____Halo 3 guns --------------------------------------- .357 Magnum-------------------Magnum...
No, the guns Hunters use have a much faster rate of fire, and Hunter cannon projectiles are clouds of energy whereas a Fuel Rod Cannon's...
1: Forging on new maps. I don't have Xbox live, so I'll probably try Sandbox first if it is included in ODST. 2: Campaign. 3: More forging. ^_^...
I think you should definitely be able to play as a Brute, they are about the same size as Spartans, the ones with Jetpacks can jump as high as...
It's an anti-gamer propaganda raid! =o
You kinda are. =/
#13 Form: Competitive Gameplay: A remake of the GOW2 level "Day One" with several GOW2-based gametypes to go with it. What Map: Sandbox or Foundry.
I thought there was a setting in VIP that allowed you to make it one-sided. =/ Oh well, if there isn't, then put a Defender's (or attacker's,...
1: Could easily be done by putting a time limit on the round, and having an infection variant where 3 people start as infected (these 3 would have...
#7 Form:Infection Gameplay:A tall building that spans all three areas in Sandbox with lots of rooms on each floor, and staircases and an elevator...
I thought this thread was for suggestions in general, not just Assassin's Creed maps. =/
Oh, I just got another great idea for my map suggestion: What if you put lots of weapons in the building, but lowered the Run Time Maximum so they...
I had a dream once that inspired a really good idea: Have an infection map on Sandbox that is a really tall skyscraper that spans all three parts...
0:53 lol