alright if you wanna look at it like that.Guardian_jump off the edge what happens YOU DIE!.constuct you fall off the edge YOU DIE!.i aint talkin...
What up with the lack of water battles in halo??? I mean have boats upgraded in the past 600 years???
NAme:Squibs Brute sizeed blue marine reptilian looking beings man shaped blue with scales purpose:navigate and contol all covanant water ares and...
this is just a fun thread i wanted to make.Basically just make up a ur own covanent alien (ex.grunt,elite,jackal etc). Name them,give them a...
ok just so ppl dont get confused like my boy phillup ova here,im a great forger got tons of ideas jus cant geo merge thats why im looking for...
non the less whther its a home world or not,i think the cheif may land on a planet inhabited by some life form in the covenant race
i want to make a working competitive map that takes up the whoile of sandbox even the dunes...ive noticed that this isnt such a stuoid idea for...
I think halo 4,according to the Legendary ending of halo 3 is that the chief lands on a covanant controlled planet.Perhaps the covanants earth or...
actually that isnt wat i did ;)....nd no embed cause haloscreenshots was down
i want to make a competitive map that takes up the whole of snadbox,even the dunes.ive been messin around this aint the final thing but heeers the...
what do you think about a working competitive map that fills the entire sandbox canvas including the dunes......what would be required ??? what r...
Ive helped test this map out and I thought it was amazing! From looks to gameplay,everything just fit perfectly.gameplay was smooth and...
Will there be an ODST beta ?
First 1 is the the purple haze.Could be a better name.
wow these pics r ****in nasty.ina good way did you dot the shade one???
awakening is looks like ash or dust fell on the spartan.5/5 how you do it?
Night Fall and Rising Sun One new one i took let me no wat you think. [IMG] [IMG]
how you get the recon shot???nice pics
Ive tested the map for breaks and its inbreakable.....Download and see f you could get out anyway.