Its funny cause you talk **** about something you know **** about.You need a windows live id which i dont have and cant get like i said which im...
Lol Scobra ur a **** lol.well anyway i cant do it for reasons i dnt feel like explaining.loooks like i wasted my time but i can careless cause...
can you explain a little bit more cause i tried that but i couldnt find it thnx
I got all the vidmaster achievments and still dont have recon.Why???can some1 explain.
i thought thats when the game is coming out.iono it just seems prety long just to send out a bata which we got an invtation almost a year ago...
Does anybody have a clue when we are going to be able to play the beta for halo reach multiplayer???because i thought it came with odst but when i...
A few shots i took during a game of rocket race. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Tell me what you think and which one is your fav.
I did get the idea from his map just those 2 parts though.i didnt steal his map but i do give him credit for coming up with the idea first.there...
Urban Safari is a competitive map i built with the no-clip glitch.Geo-merged ramps and stairs make for easy transitions between the builds of...
thnx guys
im wondering how i can post pictures on forge hub now because haloscreenshots is down and plz describe in detail what i must do.thnx
heyy gunner its blue mag1c 91.if your looking for conquest maps for matchmaking maybe youd consider useing my map would be greatly...
i like the pose of the 1st looks like hes being dragged into a black hole or sumthin.
very u make the 1st one
The purpose is to keep the banshees in check i think.Ive used them in my map for the same purpose and the map looks great send an inv to me BLUE...
your all a bounch of herbs Lol case serious
Has any1 ever noticed how the master chiefs helmet looks just like a paint ball or motorcycle helmet ? Do you think Bungie got there insperation...
Im sorry but you just managed to make yourself sound so much dumber...why would they use boats to attack spaceship???Whos the idiot know.THE END
im sry but most of these comments are stupid.know matter what time age u are in there will always be boats.Boats arent used to just use in...