version B.I like the blue with the red highlights.
Alright so this thread is all about your top 5 favorite forged maps.I dont have a list of my own but i will get back to you.Theres know specific...
the elites look sick!Im glad they finally moved away from the cartoony look and add some real griddy hardcore looks to the players and aliens
Chemical waste and tainted meat have nothing to do with Global warming.Sounds more like a Nuclear aftermath scenario too me.
On a similar note: You're wrong. just a few examples: Crusades-very rough, 1.5 to 9 million vs. WW1- 15 million plus if you want to count the...
hey sheo i think its about time you hoped off the insaane train dont you think???
Clearly you dont know what your talking about if you think parents should automatically recieve respect from there kids.And I never said it was...
Apparently parents should be "judged on their performance"...sorry, but I practically ROFLed on First of all im not a...
Im sorry but wheres you proof again?And that is incorrect...christianity does say that creation is true plz dont try to argue this for you are...
Evolution dictates that modern man EVOLVED from animals.That is true.Now,Religion says that God created humans and that nothing came before them...
weapon melee name:power fists creator:humans Desciption:robotic gloves that you can wear too squeeze the **** out of your opponent.has no lung or...
first:why do I need to rephrase?Im prety sure i made my claim as clear as possible Second:I dont need sources to prove that it has been proven...
you wanna know whats funny about religion.It has been proven through fossil records and what not,that evolution exsists but it has never been...
Weapon;gernade creator covanent name anti matter bomb acks like a power drain but the radius is smaller kills you wen your shield runs out,your...
that has to be one of the weirdest scenarios ever...any a brute flying vechicule would be cool
why do so many people bust balls on this site?just shut the **** up and enjoy the emblems,i really dont think its nessassrry to strt a fight ova...
i didnt say the scientific community invented a scam but none the less global warming can be debated as a scam that policticins would say is a...
yes two-sided...just like every debate...thnx for the pointless post.
i dont think anything was wrong with it.The creators of the game are trying to sell the image of a terroisst attack and I think they did it...
Is Global Warming real ? Or is it just a scientific scam ?