I don't know what you mean, seeing as the map y'all are working on isn't competing against anything.
I've created a thread in the pub. You all pretty much called them out, if they turn you down, you can laugh at them, or something.
It's sad it was not taken seriously by the Premiums. It had a lot of potential.
Anything and everything can be addictive. That's a trick question. I am personally addicted to Forge Hub. Don't know about anyone else, but ya. I...
Native Spirits, anyone? Not all companies are going to do that, and the bigger corporations are going to see that they don't need to add **** to...
Isn't it just amazing ^^) RANDOM DON ROSS / ANDY MCKEE DUO Never heard it, but i almost guarantee win. YouTube - Don Ross & Andy McKee - Tight...
^^) 2more
Smart thinking about waiting for your own place, it is indeed to risky to buy off the street. I have also met people who after their first 24...
What hallucinogens have you taken, nasty? I've only taken Psilocybin 7 times, and Salvia Divinorum 3 times. Always wanted to try Peyote, Lucy, and...
That's how I noticed. I was like "Sweet, zombie cow got another perm... glacial pace gave it to him... thanks glacial... ... . . . . ... .....
Actually, I think I'd like to be able to go to the grocer & buy me a pack of 20 pre-rolled, without having to de-stem/seed & roll my spliffs. I'd...
May the noobs have mercy upon their souls.
Wait. A. Hot. Second. You... Your... You're blue??
Ex - A "Blue Transformer." Primarily MDMA based. I'm going to roll balls.
Not at the moment. I'm on probation... Gotta regulate my usage, for the greater good, you know... Though, while off probation, or while not...
Talk about off-topic... I'm going to go through & delete a few posts, that have nothing to do with the topic itself... Let's see, the post I'm...
I'm gunna have to disagree. Bnasty set proper regulations on this thread, prior to posting it. Let's let it take a slow ride, for a bit.
Actually, I've already shown that through use of a vaporizer, you're not effecting your health at all, by smoking marijuana. So...ya... It's...
**** nigga...****...