Discuss your favorite features, aspects, and even present your characters, if you feel so obliged. The Sims 3 Review By Jason Ocampo June 1,...
Regardless he needs to be demoted. I'm sick of it.
Salvia is a real short trip, which is extremely intense. So, for your first time tripping, I don't know if I should suggest that. Though mushrooms...
Oh, fosho.
Been posted quite a few times now. Haha. Heehee.
Not yet, but we've only just started dating... If she gets to know me, she'll get to know I'm an addict.
She already thinks I'm nerdy enough... Trying to explain to her that I love some dude in the UK that I met off a gaming forum... would be... ......
Just thought I'd point out a crazy coincidence. . . My current girl's name is Naomi. P.S. I love you.
I was woooondering when good ol' Peg would drop in... It's about time. Although, holy **** did you go on a tirade sir. Justified, yes, but I...
Map Database, anyone?
I'll give you a website, although, text and images don't amount to anything when it comes to the drug culture. I'm not suggesting you go out and...
Sorry people. Though Sarge may have seemed to have been targeting the other thread's inadequacies, the point to him locking the thread was still...
If you haven't heard elsewhere (Because I know I've said this on many occasion), I have no way to record at this time. Not only that, but I don't...
I'm not denying that. Though, the thread was created to advertise his website based around tool.
Awwww, look how worried you are that sarge is gunna come and rape you...
How are you a mod?
A few things I'd like to address: The talk about a feature... This whole thing, is like it's own little community run contest. If what's produced...
Grif, my point is, that yes, marijuana can be addictive. No matter whether or not you try to claim chemical dependency, or you try to claim social...
I like you.
I'm not suggesting you do stop. That'd be foolish. You've got a lot done, and it looks great. Though, it'd be foolish to not start a new one with...