Can anyone tell me if Skyline is symmetrical? Can't watch the vids atm.
Yo dawg, you should post this in the forge cast.
First half of SpOps was terrible, second half was pretty damn good IMO.
Damn I'm excited for this game. If what they are promising turns out to be true, I will be in love. I've always wanted a game the emerges me with...
It was confirmed that 2 maps were small, and the other is small/medium.
This article got me more excited than the ViDoc tbh.
But can you fly them? So yeah, monolith looks like an arena map, and skyline looks gorgeous.
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If the game has a map maker, I vote that 4chub becomes a Destiny website. It's got to be better than Halo 4. Got to be.
Try messing around with respawn zones.
Is the gametype glitchy in any way? Like could you legitimately play a competitive game with this gametype? If so, possibilities for maps would...
Tank u
Vandelay, as in, Art Vandelay?
Thanks! Too bad I don't have access to one of those machines as it sounds exactly like what I need
No, but we might have some other machines that are similar. What exactly does it do?
During soccer class three times a week at high school. It's pretty ****ing rigorous for a soccer class to be honest. Our weightlifting coach is...
So the bulletin was actually pretty good last night. I'm ecstatic that they're creating an objective playlist, AND they're removing instant...
So for some reason, during bench press, my left arm is substantially weaker when I push... I think it might be because I broke my left wrist like...
Exactly. All we need now is a sprint toggle and this game will be gold.