One of your funnest maps in my opinion REMkings. I love the complexity and originality in the buildings. I think re-imagining Deadborough was a...
Thanks for the wise words. I actually designed for the shotgun and sniper to be close together. Since I usually play 1 flag on this map, the...
We'll play this at "throwback night." CTF and Extraction are really fun on this. Thanks Behemoth.
Atonement Created by: PA1NTS [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Video: [media] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD!
Exia Created by: PA1NTS [IMG] Gametypes: 1 Flag CTF, FFA, Flood and Team Slayer Player Count: 6-12 players Walkthrough Video: Halo 4 Map...
Anvil Created by: PA1NTS Video Anvil - 2v2 Dust Up - YouTube [IMG] [IMG] Player Count: 2-4 Players Gametypes: Slayer Description: Anvil...
Map Name: Gristle Creator: PA1NTS Gamertag Hosting the Map: PA1NTS Link to Forge Hub Thread: Link [IMG] Map Name: Anvil Creator: PA1NTS Gamertag...
Yes please.
Hey man, did you still have footage of Gristle recorded?
Gristle Created by: PA1NTS Hello ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to release the final version of Gristle to the public. Gristle is a...