It's definitely not stoppping people from creating infection maps. The only drawback is ending the game after one round and restarting, which...
There was an issue in H4 where you had to have the first hill labeled KOTH along with all of your hills labeled KOTH_Hill. So for my first hill I...
This is a pretty cool concept. It'd be awesome if you remade one of the firefight maps to function with your gametype.
I thought this would be a great idea too. We definitely aren't limited to only using H2A. If I knew who created the H3 classic Infection maps, I...
Infection currently has a few problems with running multiple rounds. I am assuming that since 343 wants to add Infection, they will have to fix...
@SOEIV Jockey @Foxy Papa Smurf @FasharchiMan @Nate Rutledge @MartianMallCop @WARHOLIC @REMkings @CommanderColson @CANADIAN ECHO @Mr Pokephile @Pol...
(Subject To Change) Infection Matchmaking Update Test List [IMG] ------------------------------------------------------- GAMETYPES: FIND...
What did you use to make the ledges on the side of the ramps? Particularly on the last picture.
Looks cool. I like the theme. I'll add you on XBL so I can download it.
The good ol' frog hub.
It shouldn't take an hour to post a map, still working on it.
It's 11:23, been trying to post my 1v1 map for half an hour now. Might not make the deadline. Very frustrating. No matter what I do, everytime I...
Sovereign By: PA1NTS Sovereign is a 1v1 map designed in Halo Reach by EwwwYourSkinny and myself. It has been rebuilt in Halo 4 also. The current...
I remade an inverse/mirrored version of Scythe. I haven't tested it much though, and I'm not sure that people even like it that much. I could post...
You can try and group up in any one of these buildings, but each one has their advantages and disadvantages.
B.C.? And thanks man, we should forge an aesthetic map together sometime.
Pretty good, how about yourself?