it has a cool science fiction look to it, I hope you're planning on adding filters to make it dark, the alien films are all about unspeakable...
Its about time a good map from one of the old forgehub regulars made it into matchmaking, congrats. I havent played this one, I'm offline but I...
I agree with alot of what your're saying about grifball, I stopped playing it because of spawn trapping, sure it's a tactic, a ****ing boring one....
More on your map, or more cups than you're allowed to have in maps in general? From memory I think its twelve, if the later is the case, please...
I love the creativity and fun of this, I've seen it on your Youtube channel. I know this is a bit of a redundant reply because you've already...
Man, mini games are kicking everybody's ass at the moment and your good self and Darth seem to be leading the charge. Cant wait to play this in...
Big update on the original post: added gameplay videos, rewrote alot of it and added a tactics section. No man the evades aren't able to be...
I can give you some feedback on your settings, this comes from lots of testing that I've done on my gametype which also has unlimited armor...
Hey I'm glad you liked it guys, I actually think that's a great idea, a soft kill zone. I wonder why I didn't think of that, they still get ten...
[IMG] VERSION 2 COMING SOON Changes to the map are: Raised the entire floor to about halfway the depth of where it was before - this should...
Well I've found a way to make a gravlift out of a one way shield door, the only thing is that it is not going straight up but sliding up a...
I've seen alot of these, but this is the best looking one of seen. I particularly like the pieces you've used to build it and the way you've used...
Hey man I kind of glad now that you chose not to do a video of my map, I want to do it myself, it seems like fun. You gotta do more vids like top...
Yeah I think they already did that with rocket race didn't they?
I dont know if you could make this work theme-wise but what if you just left the core out and had a bomb instead. Then set the bomb carrier to...
And Bowie's playing the Imortal Nicola Tesla! Hey if you like scary, gory F'd up movies you gotta see "I Saw the Devil", its a Korean...
Do Rimmerland! Nah but dont forget starbug and the scutters, the officers quarters and Lister and Rimmers bunks, a cant be smegged helping out...
you will gladly be proved wrong Really? Come on mate You sir, have obviously never played a ManRay X map, it is very balanced and as fun as...
MAP NAME: Demonball Homecourt GAMETYPE: Demonball Custom Gametype? Yes A Brief Description: Demonball is a grifball inspired halosport, but it...
Hi just giving you some input on your movement settings. I too have been working on a game that is not supposed to play like default halo and is...