Have not heard anything on my end.
Sorry Haunted, your map was disqualified for not having the correct gauge of track. Anyone hear from Bravo yet so we can get this sorted?
No problems there SecretSchnitzel. I don't know about the other CCs but i recognize passion no matter how it's worded. Anyway, not all the maps...
I never said that aesthetics is more important than game play. I said game play is paramount, but viewers must also be able to understand what...
I remember the map i just didn't remember what was said about it, or what are the recommendations. There is a problem with my permissions so WAR...
Might be best to wait for WORHOLIC to respond since i didn't take notes on individual maps last night. How do we edit our posts here. I wanted to...
Also: Framerate must be flawless for these submissions.
It was brutal! WARHOLIC nearly got into a fistfight defending you guys. Just kidding, of course, but it was pretty intense at one point. I will...
. . . Incoming . . .
Good question. Usually one of the Cartographers volunteers as task lead and is responsible for collecting all our suggestions, hosting test...
No reason we can't show it to them anyway.
So everyone knows, the Community Cartographers are looking for candidates for the HCS MM playlist this week only. As far as i know these maps are...
I am not familiar with the H2A spawning issues and am having troubles on my own. Where is this being discussed?
Hey guys. Me posting in this thread can only mean one thing. Time to put on the final polish.
They removed the "no remakes" line from the contest so your map should be good to go.
The next instalment of the Community Forge Test playlist will be the top 6 or 7 finalists from the Halo 4 Ricochet Forge Contest. We have no...
Funniest thing i read all day. A forger can't put his map into Matchmaking. Only 343i employees who are members of the sustain team can put maps...
It doesn't work that way. Yes, the builders are notified if we select their map to be sent upstream, but after that any number of things can...
Snipers wasn't a full task. We were given a VERY short period of time to pull a very small number of maps. Even we don't know which maps make...
Enter it anyway but include the line "I'm not from the USA and realize that i am disqualified from receiving prizes. I would like this map to be...