Yess itt iss.
Thank you. I will fix that. I only changed the safe/kill zones. Ask WARHOLIC.
New versions of Eden and Epic are in the ForgeHub LIVE file share. They require player containment testing if anyone is up for it.
The CCs job by definition is to gather community maps and present them to 343i. Period. The fact that, for an hour or two every few months, we...
I'll get right on that.
We were specifically told to not speak about the process or we risk losing our position in the CC group. It's not our place to provide...
Even if we knew, the CCs are not allowed to talk details outside the group. I don't know if WARHOLIC has mentioned this but all map updates MUST...
I feel i must step in to clarify a single point. ALL of the maps we showed to 343i went to their internal testing dungeon on completely equal...
Not at all. Some are H2A versions of H3 maps, and the rest are MCC H3 maps which do not require objective placement. For exampke his Grifball map...
And i missed it trying to unsnap the stupid Party app.
No worries, we liked the map enough to overlook a small easily repaired technical difficulty. Testing went very well. For almost 5 hours we...
I 'm not suggesting we pour over every detail right now. I'm just seeking a sample as a conversation starter. An existing variant is fine as long...
There are precedents for this. They have come to us for our custom setups on dev maps like 2v2 Haven among others. There's no reason we can't also...
I absolutely understand. I chose to position myself to draw fire away from War and 343 so they could do their jobs in peace. I am actually...
As do i.
@SecretSchnitzel War is handling the details for this task so you will have to clarify specifics with him.
Not sure about the dev map remake question but the rest should be looked at as far as i know.
This is just an informal inquiry by me personally and is not related to the upcoming test. In your opinion how HCS quality maps are available...
We are testing (full matches, full teams, asymm & symm) with :343:i on Saturday afternoon. The test will not be live streamed.
"Asymms will be looked at Fo sho" - Tashi