The new lighting system is amazing. I don't just mean the placeable lights, but the ambient lighting of the canvases is fantastic. Watch any of...
Yes. I had to remake my map from scratch several times so i was about 2 days behind the others. All the maps other than mine were in a playable...
Yes, but they were not clear on how it will work since your maps are saved in the cloud. Yes. Also, i predict a whole new wave of Rube...
Yes, greatly. There are no limits, other than engine constraints. You could place 500 Space Whales if you wanted to. Yes to all. You can place...
They have stated elsewhere that Forge maps will not ship with Warzone weapons and skins.
They are just like the intros you see in the Breakout video at 0:17. [MEDIA] You setup shots of your map & team within Forge using the camera...
They gave us an answer but were not very clear on the details. Best to wait until they clarify.
From P1 Yes options are good, but does the forge feel to technical? A) It feels like the exact correct balance between ease of use, and highly...
Stepping out for a few minutes. I will grab some of the unanswered questions from p1 and p2 when i return
close, but it gets more complicated when you can also select "camera" as the fixed point. As i said, you really need to have a controller in your...
You can also rotate based on the 'object' or based on the 'world', or both at the same time. You need to feel it to understand.
I am kind if sceptical but have no solid reason to disbelieve you. Just in case here's a test. Ask your son what action the 'A' button performs...
The Bottom measurement of the 'Forced Anti-Resawn Zone' at rocks does not even enclose the respawn points. (might be a different zone i am looking at)
Almost as bad in single player. There's no way they missed this in testing.
I placed 32 blocks on Remnant and frame rate is already a problem with 2PL. So much for using it as a forge canvas. [edit] Not a forge issue. 2...
This turned out better than the original since i found a way to make a perfectly flat floor in the Skybox.
I thought you were talking about new issues which have been discovered since the last update. Their team has that list.
Other than H4's Trait Zones what's still broken?
Speaking of remakes... [IMG]
343 will never directly contact forgers. It's one of the reasons the CC group was started. As far as i know they haven't changed their plans. If...